HSC practices sunset gratitude every single day for anything and everything as we open our hearts for all that is.
The Level of Awareness Defines the State of Consciousness
To understand each consciousness comes in different state (perhaps it’s safe to say that whatever state they maybe in is as valid as anyone) like my state of consciousness is different from yours…
To see beauty in its intensity, one must understand and accept all forns and spectrums
I woke up to a realisation that I was stuck in certain beliefs based on what was identified as the so-called “right” and what was deemed “wrong.”
Moment Of Gratitude
Somehow, sunrise holds a new beginning. Perhaps an anticipation of laughter that will take place during the day,
Heightened Awareness
Few months ago, this scenery and I had an interlacing relationship mainly in the morning.
where flowing passion is born and conscious purpose is discovered; where affectionate love grows and beaming happiness thrives.
The Eyes of Compassionate Observer
The many things I love to do at night, is to sit by the fire and read an interesting book or to sketch and sketch.
Strength of the Sacred Lotus
When tempered soul sits in the midst of the sacred shambles,
Like the tender glow in the depth of the wild, and you manage to smile instead of to sigh.
Beauty in Everything
Take a break and give time to relax, unwind, see the tree in all its glory, muse on the caterpillars and the grasshoppers in their little merry world, send gratitude to anything and everything as the universe inside, connects everywhere outside.
High Sorority Couture Celebrates Samhain
High Sorority Couture Celebrates Samhain.
Happy Full Blue Moon in Taurus and Happy Halloween.
High Sorority Couture Celebrates Full Harvest Moon.
Tonight’s full moon is about finding wisdom and comfort in the dark.
High Sorority Couture Celebrates Summer Solstice, Eclipse, New Moon and Father’s Day!
Above all, we have so much to celebrate only when we know where to look. Keep sending love to everyone and everything, everyday!